So here is the TOP 10 List of PC Games . We have shortlisted the most popular games according to users. You can read more about these games at the link given below each games . It's been a while we are talking about PC Games , but surely you will get the list of mobile games too . In today's world we are living in the growing technology . Also you can check our you-tube channel for more details .


Apex Legends can safely be called one of the best Battle royale Games available today .The game has introduced a new non-verbal communicate system with which players can actually co-operate with strangers in real time . This game is far as similar as PUBG and Fortnite .


The most awaited game you must be waiting on the list . This game has literally crossed each and every limit of user experience where you can not only play  

Welcome to the world of Games 


Hello buddies,

Feeling pleasure to announce that we are going to create a next level experiences for user where you can get unlimited games and goodies of your choice .As the name suggest theopengames , that means it's a fully open platform or gamers . We will be discussing about the new titles that are going to be launched in future . You are free to give us your valuable suggestions and complaints . You are also free to request any kind of games in the request menu . So this goings to be the most amazing thing for you and the game freakers . You must be facing a lot issues in downloading and accessing games online for those who can afford the expensive games . We will be uploading many popular AAA titles which will going to rock your PC . So as an honest user , your support is also required because without that nothing is possible . 

Now you must be thinking why to choose .
Here are the below points to concrete our belief:
1. Here you can download as many games without getting irritated with popups .
2. Here you can download popular AAA titles absolutely free with proper tutorials and guidance .
3. Here you free to request your favourite games .
4. Here you can come to know about the happenings going in gaming fields.
5. You can also complain if there are any bugs in our site.
6. You are free to contact us anytime for any queries .
7. Although you can comment your issues in the comment section .
8. You can signup here to access your statistics and reminder for coming games .

So that's what I want to convey to you . Hope your cooperation will soon be uprising .

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